Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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273 lines
If you have been programming the Amiga for a while you have
most certainly seen your nice Amiga blow up in front of your
eyes. However, the Amiga is a nice computer, and if it crashes
it will try to do that as neatly as possible. You are usually
(!) allowed to save any important files, and when the Amiga
goes down it will give you a last message, trying to tell you
what went wrong.
Many programmers have not realized how important that last
message is. For them, it is just a collection of strange
numbers. But those numbers can actually tell you what exactly
went wrong, and once you know what went wrong, it is usually
no problem to find the bug.
When the Amiga is crashing it happens that the Exec have
realized that something will go wrong and halted that task.
Exec will then open a System requester with a warning message:
| Software error - task held |
| Finish all disk activity |
| Select CANCEL to reset/debug |
| |
| --------- ---------- |
| | Retry | | Cancel | |
| --------- ---------- |
You can then save any important files to a disk before you
answer the requester (once you have pressed CANCEL the Guru
will visit you!). Important, since the Amiga is in trouble
it can crash any second, and if you were saving anything onto
a disk at that moment, the disk may become corrupted, and all
data lost. The best solution is to have an empty emergency
disk that you only use when the Amiga is upset. Sometimes the
Exec have not been able to halt the task, and the Guru will
immediately visit you.
Once the Amiga really crashes, the powerlight will flash for
some seconds, and an Alert will be activated. For example:
| Software failure! Press left mouse button to continue. |
| Guru Meditation #84010007.00C13870 |
Now you only need to decode the message and you have found
the error. (Advanced programmer can attach a modem to the
Amiga and use a program called ROMWack in order to debug the
computer. But we will not discuss it here.)
There exist two different types of Guru Meditation Numbers:
- CPU Errors (680x0 Processor Traps)
- System Software Errors
CPU Errors look like this:
Guru Meditation #0000000x.yyyyyyyy
x is one of the following values:
2 Bus Error Hardware error
3 Address Error Word access on odd byte boundary
4 Illegal Instruction
5 Divide by zero
6 CHK Instruction
7 TRAPV Instruction
8 Privilege Violation
9 Trace
A Opcode 1010 Emulation Instruction word with a value
between A000-AFFF.
B Opcode 1111 Emulation Instruction word with a value
between F000-FFFF.
yyyyyyyy is the address of the task which went wrong. (It
is normally your own program that caused the problem.)
If you get a Guru Meditation number like #00000005.00C13870
it means: A program, at the address C13870, tried to devide
a value by zero. Since you now know what the error was you
only need to look at the places where your program can be
forced to devide a value by zero, and it should not take to
long time to find the bug.
System Software errors look like this:
Guru Meditation #aabbcccc.dddddddd
The first field of the number tells us if the error is a
Recoverable Error or if it is a Dead End Alert. If the error
is a Dead End Alert the number will start with 8 otherwise it
is 0. (The total screen will also be black, while on
Recoverable Errors the screen is merely pushed down a bit.)
The first field of the number tells us also which Device,
Library or Resource went wrong:
01 Exec Library LIBRARIES
02 Graphics Library
03 Layers Library
04 Intuition Library
05 Math Library
06 CList Library
07 AmigaDOS Library
08 RAM Handler Library
09 Icons Library
10 Audio Device DEVICES
11 Console Device
12 GamePort Device
13 Keyboard Device
14 Trackdisk Device
15 Timer Device
21 Disk Resource
22 Misc Resource
30 BootStrap OTHERS
31 Workbench
32 Disk Copy
A number like 04 means: Recoverable Error in the Intuition
Library. While a number like 84 means: Fatal Error in
the Intuition Library.
The second field (bb) of the Guru Meditation number gives
us the general cause of the problem:
01 No Memory
02 Unable to Create Library
03 Unable to Open Library
04 Unable to Open Device
05 Unable to Open Resource
06 Input/Output (I/O) Error
07 No Signal
So a number like 8201cccc means a fatal error in the Graphics
Library, the problem was caused by not enough memory.
The last field (cccc) before the dot gives some more specific
information. Here is a list of some common Guru Meditation
Numbers: (This information is taken form the headerfile
"exec/alerts.h" [V1.3]:)
Exec Library:
81000001 68000 exception vector checksum
81000002 Execbase checksum
81000003 Library checksum failure
81000004 No memory to make library
81000005 Corrupted memory list
81000006 No memory for interrupt servers
81000007 InitStruct() of an APTR source
81000008 A semaphore is in illegal state
81000009 Freeing memory already freed
8100000A Illegal 68k exception taken
Graphics Library:
82010000 Graphics out of memory
82010006 Long frame, no memory
82010007 Short frame, no memory
02010009 Text, no memory for TmpRas
8201000A BltBitMap, no memory
8201000B Regions, memory not available
82010030 MakeVPort, no memory
82011234 Emergency memory not available *
Layers Library:
83010000 Layers out of memory
Intuition Library:
84000001 Unknown gadet type
04000001 Recovery form of AN_GadgetType
84010002 Create port, no memory
04010003 Item plane alloc, no memory
04010004 Sub alloc, no memory
84010005 Plane alloc, no memory
84000006 Item box top < RelZero
84010007 Open screen, no memory
84010008 Open screen, raster alloc, no memory
84000009 Open sys screen, unknown type
8401000A Add SW gadgets, no memory
8401000B Open window, no memory
8400000C Bad State Return entering Intuition
8400000D Bad Message received by IDCMP
8400000E Weird echo causing incomprehension
8400000F Couldn't open the Console Device
Amiga DOS Library:
07010001 No memory at startup
07000002 EndTask didn't
07000003 Qpkt failure
07000004 Unexpected packet received
07000005 Freevec failed
07000006 Disk block sequence error
07000007 Bitmap corrupt
07000008 Key already free
07000009 Invalid checksum
0700000A Disk Error
0700000B Key out of range
0700000C Bad overlay
RAM Library:
08000001 No overlays in library seglists
Trackdisk Device:
14000001 Calibrate: seek error
14000002 Delay: error on timer wait
Timer Device:
15000001 Bad request
15000002 Power supply does not supply ticks
Disk Resourcek.resource:
21000001 Get unit: already has disk
21000002 Interrupt: no active unit
30000001 Boot code returned an error
The number after the dot (dddddd dd) can be three things:
1. Address of the task which went wrong.
2. If the error occured because of some sort of memory
allocation/deallocation, it is the address of that memory
3. If Exec is realy confused the number is 48454C50, which
stands for HELP. (48=H, 45=E, 4C=L, 50=P)